The WP e-Commerce dashboard & export plugin provides a number of reports and graphs tracking store performance, such as number of items ordered, revenue total etc. These reports differentiate between “successful” and “unsuccessful” orders (E.g. orders which have been cancelled, or which the customer placed, but never paid for).

Out of the box, successful orders are ones with a status of Order Received, Accepted Payment, or Job Dispatched. Orders with a status of Closed Order aren’t included. If you’re stores workflow means that orders in this status should be counted, then as of release 6.2 you can now have these included by adding a simple filter to your theme’s functions.php:

function wpscd_add_closed_orders ( $statuses ) {
	$statuses[] = 5;
	return $statuses;
add_filter ( 'ses_wpscd_successful_statuses', 'wpscd_add_closed_orders' );

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