When running scheduled exports with the WP e-Commerce dashboard & export plugin, the default behaviour is that the export will include all data created sine the export last ran. Sometime you may want your exports to include a full picture of all data, not just those items changed since the last run.
The plugin allows you to control the time used for the start of the data, so by overriding that you can make your sales export include all data. Here’s an example code snippet that can go in your theme’s functions.php or in a functionality plugin.
function lw_ses_wpscd_cron_export_start_time( $last_export_time, $schedule_id ) { return 0; } add_filter( 'ses_wpscd_cron_export_start_time', 'lw_ses_wpscd_cron_export_start_time', 10, 2 );